Beware the Illusion: How Russia’s ‘Active Measures’ Imperil Truth and America’s Public Opinion
Russia’s use of active measures, including disinformation and propaganda, has been a longstanding strategy to manipulate perceptions and influence public opinion. These tactics, collectively known as Active Measures or Ideological Subversion, aim to change the perception of reality for individuals and target audiences.
In my spy thriller novel MISSION OF VENGEANCE with CIA spymaster Corey Pearson, I shed light on the extent of Russia’s Active Measures. A former Russian KGB defector hands over a flash drive to Corey Pearson, containing 80 pages of transcripts detailing a Russian plan of disaster for the Caribbean. It becomes clear that Russia has rejuvenated the KGB and reinstated the Cold War-era ‘Active Measures’ strategy against the U.S., specifically targeting the Caribbean region.
Russia’s disinformation and propaganda ecosystem consists of various pillars, including official government communications, state-funded global messaging, cultivation of proxy sources, weaponization of social media, and cyber-enabled disinformation. Let’s explore the tactics used by Russia and the role of proxy outlets in spreading false narratives.
The revelations in MISSION OF VENGEANCE align with this alarming reality, as the KGB defector discloses that Russia has never truly abandoned its Active Measures strategy. Despite promises made after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia continues to employ Active Measures to spread disinformation that undermine America.
First, we must understand Russia’s ‘Active Measures’ strategy. In my novel, the KGB defector explains how the KGB successfully convinced Americans of various false narratives in the past. For instance, they propagated the idea that the U.S. government assassinated Martin Luther King Jr. and spread the conspiracy theory that the CIA created the AIDS virus at Fort Detrick, Maryland in the 80s.
Russia’s approach to disinformation and propaganda involves a diverse range of channels and tactics, and there are advantages to this total ecosystem approach. Firstly, it enables the amplification of fringe voices and conspiracy theorists who align with Russian propaganda goals, by giving them a broader platform.
This approach allows Russia to deflect responsibility by obscuring its sponsorship of the sites, thereby avoiding direct criticism. Moreover, the use of local voices and idioms further enhances the resonance and impact of false narratives on target audiences, making them more believable.
These proxy outlets play a crucial role in proliferating Russia’s disinformation and propaganda. Maintaining an association with the Kremlin or receiving funding from it, these outlets present themselves as independent sources while obscuring their Russian origins.
One such outlet called the ‘Strategic Culture Foundation’ (SCF), an online journal registered in Russia, is directed by Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) spy agency. It attracts Western authors with fringe views and conspiracy theories, providing them with a broader platform while masking its Russian origins.
Another real-life example is the New Eastern Outlook, a pseudo-academic publication affiliated with the Russian Academy of Science’s Institute of Oriental Studies, which combines pro-Kremlin views with anti-U.S. perspectives from Western fringe voices and conspiracy theorists.
There’s also Global Research, a Canadian website, which has become deeply enmeshed in Russia’s broader disinformation and propaganda ecosystem, as its roster of fringe authors and conspiracy theorists serves as a talent pool for Russian and Chinese websites.
News Front is another example of a Russian disinformation proxy. It’s a Crimea-based outlet with ties to Russian security services and Kremlin funding and focuses on supporting Russia-backed forces in Ukraine.
In addition to disinformation campaigns and proxy outlets, Russia employs psychological warfare to manipulate and control individuals. Techniques like blackmail, coercion, and manipulation are used to turn key figures against their own interests, compromising their integrity and influencing their actions.
Russia’s use of psychological warfare to manipulate individuals is exemplified by the case of Ukrainian pilot Nadia Savchenko. Captured by Russian-backed separatists in 2014, she was subjected to solitary confinement, denial of legal representation, and constant intimidation during her imprisonment. The goal was to coerce her into falsely confessing to crimes she did not commit.
Another example involves former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, who faced pressure from Russia to reject closer ties with the EU. Russia reportedly used financial incentives, threats, and compromising material to coerce Yanukovych into making decisions favorable to their interests.
Furthermore, Russia utilizes deep fake technology, as highlighted in my novel, to create convincing videos or audio recordings that can frame innocent individuals or tarnish the reputation of key targets. These manipulated media assets contribute to the spread of false information, adding an extra layer to Russia’s disinformation campaigns.
Yes, Moscow readily manipulates the media and shapes reporting to slant the news in its favor. Media manipulation is a key tool to influence public opinion, spread disinformation, shape the narrative to favor its interests, and create divisions to undermine democratic institutions. Through the dissemination of false information, Russia undermines our trust in traditional media and creates a fertile ground for the acceptance of its propaganda narratives.
Beware, fellow Americans, for our democracy hangs in the balance. As MISSION OF VENGEANCE reveals, Russia’s Active Measures strategy poses a grave threat as they systematically manipulate perceptions and mold public opinion. Within Moscow’s disinformation and propaganda ecosystem, proxy outlets serve as insidious conduits for spreading false narratives, aiming to deceive U.S. intelligence, manipulate our collective thoughts, and distort the very fabric of truth. Let us not underestimate the gravity of their tactics.
In this relentless campaign, Russia deploys psychological warfare, employing cunning strategies to control individuals and sway the course of events. Deep fake technology adds another sinister layer, where fabricated videos and audio recordings can frame innocent souls or tarnish the reputation of key figures.
As if that weren’t enough, their insidious manipulation of media further fuels their insidious agenda, shaping the narrative to favor their interests and sow seeds of doubt within our democratic foundations.
We must arm ourselves with knowledge and vigilance to combat the insidious spread of disinformation. Understanding Russia’s Active Measures is not a luxury; it is a necessity for the preservation of a democratic society.
Let us question, fact-check, and critically analyze the information that reaches our ears and eyes. By doing so, we can thwart their efforts, safeguard our democracy, and emerge as a resilient and united front against those who seek to exploit our vulnerabilities. The future of our nation depends on our collective awareness and resolute determination to protect the truth.
Robert Morton is a member of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO) and enjoys writing about the U.S. Intelligence Community. He authors the Corey Pearson- CIA Spymaster series. Check out his latest spy thrillers: MISSION OF VENGEANCE.